website templates


Write simple text notes and keep them organized with a list of labeled vertical tabs.

TabNotes in Action

TabNotes FAQ

Files are saved on the memory card, either internal or external, in the base folder, the documents folder, or in the downloads folder.

Files can be saved as a collection of tabs in XML format or text format. Tabs can also be exported as text files (UTF-8 encoding format).

Access the Tab menu (either by clicking on the downward arrow in the partial tab panel or by clicking on the tab name folder marker at the top beside the collection name) then File, and then Export. Pay attention to the folder that the tab is exported to so that it can be found later. Tabs can also be shared with other applications by clicking on the Tab menu and then Share.

This is to indicate that long pressing the button will repeat the previous search.

In the Tab menu, click on Appearance and then Show Line Numbers. Also click on Appearance then Line Number Size to chose a larger font size.

Because vertically organized tabs are much easier to scroll with the left thumb and because a collection of text notes makes more spatial sense organized vertically, rather than horizontally.  And, horizontally organized tabs are too easy to code (see pageviewer).

TabNotes uses the standard system Serif font, the standard system San Serif font and a monospace font. You can also load .ttf and .otf fonts from the config menu. There are thousands of fonts available for free on the web and in general they work well. Some fonts may not display properly due to the way Android handles fonts, but hopefully you can find alternatives that are similar. 

The icons show in the screenshots are the standard emojis available on the phone (the same as in the messaging apps).  They can be added into the details of the tab or the collection (tab id, name, description).

You can add an unreasonable number of tabs, but tha app should be able to handle more tbas than you need (hundreds) - The number of tabs is limited by the amount of memory available.

You can also add an unreasonable number of lines, but the app should be able to provide more lines than you need.  The number of lines is limited by the amount of memory available. The maximum line number that will display properly is 9999.  After 10000 lines, the last digit of the line number will overlap onto the text but everything should still work fine.

To move a tab, long press (press and hold) the details pane of a tab and move it up and down in the list, the other tabs will automatically move to make room.  Lift up your finger to leave the tab in the new position. (see the animated screenshot above)

To access the details pane, swipe from the left side of the screen to the right (see the animated screenshot above).

The details pane shows:
    *  the tab id
    *  the tab name
    *  the tab description
    *  the number of words in the tab
    *  the date the tab was created
    *  the tab menu
    *  the tab preview

Currently, the app is available in English, Spanish, and French

The Hemingway newspaper article uses the Underwood Champion font (underwood_champion.ttf) by Vic Fieger - available at 1001 Fonts

The music notation uses MusicSync by Robert Allgeyer (MusiSync.ttf) - available at FontSpace

The Diary Of A Nobody uses Playball (Playball.ttf) from TypeSETit (Rob Leuschke) - available at

* The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald (1925)
* A newspaper article for the Toronto Star by Earnest Hemingway (February 4, 1922)
* The Diary Of A Nobody by George Grossmith and Weedon Grossmith (Punch magazine 1888-1889, book form 1892).

Send an email to (please put TabNotes in the subject of the email) describing the bug. Please provide as much detail as possible to make it easier to reproduce and find the bug so it can be fixed.

Please send an email to (please put TabNotes in the subject of the emaill) with your suggestion.  Good ideas will be considered. Bad ideas will be ignored. Ridiculous ideas will be enjoyed (but not taken seriously).

Where are we

20th arrondissment
Paris, 75020